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    作者:Xu Rongxiang 出版社:CHINA SOCIAL SCIENCES PRESS 发行日期:2009 September
    'Human Body Regenerative Restoration Science' is a fire-new scientific concept. It is the study focusing on innate regenerative potential of human body cells and regenerative nutrients. And it is a comprehensive new system in life science which utilizes human body regenerative potentiality and exogenous regenerative nutrients to achieve regenerative restoration in situ for acquired defects, premature aging, mutation, severe diseases and premature apoptosis of human body. Its core scientific technique is the 'In Situ Human Body Regeneration and Health Preservation Techniques' involving 'Induction of Stem Cells from Somatic Cells' and then 'Regenerative Restoration of Tissues and Organs In Situ'. That is: with the supply of human body regenerative nutrients and the core techniques, to realize the human body regenerative restoration in situ;
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    Part Seven: Clinical Corroboration

    3. Discussion of the Future of Regenerative Medicine and The

    2. Research Status of Stem Cell and Regenerative Medicine an

    1. Consideration of Scientific Paradigms and Research Reason

    Chapter Five Interpretation of the study on ‘Induction of St


    The dream of the stem cell has been fulfilled in an eastern

    Challenge the epic magnificent dream with iron cold reality

    Life is not yet a machine which can be disassembled freely.

    Closing remarks

    Chapter Six Comprehensive Organ Regenerative Restoration and

    Life basis of regenerative restoration

    Basis of human body regeneration

    Composition of the food

    Bioclock plan of regenerative restoration diet and the mecha

    How to eat

    How is an aged cell regenerated?

    The mystery of cancer and the relation between cancer and re

    Chapter Seven Gastrointestinal Organ Regenerative Restoratio

    Part One: Preface

    Part Two: Brief Introduction of the Technique

    Part Three: Four Effects, One Plan



    Chapter Two Results of Clinical Research

    Chapter One Scientific Announcement

    1 Regenerative recovery of traumas

    2 Regenerative restoration ofr severed fingers

    3. Regenerative healing for distal necrosis and ulcers due t

    4 Regenerative restoration of skin scar tissues

    6 In situ regenerative restoration of gastrointestinal muco

    7 In situ regenerative restoration of multiple organs

    Chapter Three Results of Basic Research

    8 Research on rResearch on regenerative anti-cancer

    2. Period of deciphering the secret of somatic cells being i

    1. The earliest period of histological discovery

    3. Period of repetition of in vitro animal cloning tests (19

    4. Period of regenerative restoration of animal tissues and

    Chapter Four The Establishment of Human Regenerative Medicin

    Part Four: Research about the Effects and Mechanisms

    Part Five: Scientific Corroboration

    Part Six Direction of Usage

    Chapter Eight In situ Regenerative Restoration and Rejuvenat

    Part One: In situ Skin Regenerative Restoration & Rejuvenati

    Part Two: Examples of in situ Skin Regenerative Restoration